Domain Modelling Patterns
There are two main patterns for organizing business logic: the procedural Transaction script pattern, and the object-oriented Domain model pattern.
1. Transaction script pattern: An important characteristic of this approach is that the classes that implement behavior are separate from those that store state. When using the Transaction script pattern, the scripts are usually located in serviceclasses, which in this example is the OrderService class. A service class has one method for each request/system operation. The method implements the business logic for that request. It accesses the database using data access objects (DAOs), such as the OrderDao. The data objects, which in this example is the Order class, are pure data with little or no behavior.
This style of design is highly procedural and relies on few of the capabilities of objectorientedprogramming (OOP) languages. This what you would create if you were writing the application in C or another non-OOP language. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t b eashamed to use a procedural design when it’s appropriate. This approach works wellfor simple business logic. The drawback is that this tends not to be a good way to implement complex business logic.
2. Domain model pattern
In an object-oriented design, the business logic consists of an object model, a network of relatively small classes. These classes typically correspond directly to concepts from the problem domain. In such a design some classes have only either state or behavior, but many contain both, which is the hallmark of a well-designed class. Figure 5.3 shows an example of the Domain model pattern.
As with the Transaction script pattern, an OrderService class has a method for each request/system operation. But when using the Domain model pattern, the service methods are usually simple. That’s because a service method almost always delegates to persistent domain objects, which contain the bulk of the business logic.
A service method might, for example, load a domain object from the database and invoke one of its methods. In this example, the Order class has both state and behavior. Moreover, its state is private and can only be accessed indirectly via its methods.
The Domain model pattern works well, but there are a number of problems with this approach, especially in a microservice architecture. To address those problems, you need to use a refinement of OOD known as DDD
3. DDD Aggregate Pattern
DDD has some tactical patterns that are building blocks for domain models.Each pattern is a role that a class plays in a domain model and defines the characteristics of the class. The building blocks that have been widely adopted by developers include the following:
Entity—An object that has a persistent identity. Two entities whose attributes have the same values are still different objects. In a Java EE application, classes that are persisted using JPA @Entity are usually DDD entities.
Value object—An object that is a collection of values. Two value objects whose attributes have the same values can be used interchangeably. An example of a value object is a Money class, which consists of a currency and an amount.
Factory—An object or method that implements object creation logic that’s too complex to be done directly by a constructor. It can also hide the concrete Designing business logic in a microservice architecture classes that are instantiated. A factory might be implemented as a static method of a class.
Repository—An object that provides access to persistent entities and encapsulates the mechanism for accessing the database.
Service—An object that implements business logic that doesn’t belong in an entity or a value object.
A service uses a repository to retrieve aggregates from the database or save aggregates to the database.
Designing a domain model using the DDD aggregate pattern:
Next I describe the concept of an aggregate and how it has explicit boundaries.After that, I describe the rules that aggregates must obey and how they make aggregates a good fit for the microservice architecture. I then describe how to carefully choose the boundaries of your aggregates and why it matters. Finally, I discuss how to design business logic using aggregates.
Figure 5.5 shows the Order aggregate and its boundary. An Order aggregate consists of an Order entity, one or more OrderLineItem value objects, and other value objects such as a delivery Address and PaymentInformation
Aggregates decompose a domain model into chunks, which are individually easier to understand. They also clarify the scope of operations such as load, update, and delete. These operations act on the entire aggregate rather than on parts of it. An aggregate is often loaded in its entirety from the database, thereby avoiding any complications of lazy loading. Deleting an aggregate removes all of its objects from a database
Updating an entire aggregate rather than its parts solves the consistency issues, such as the example described earlier. Update operations are invoked on the aggregate root, which enforces invariants. Also, concurrency is handled by locking the aggregate root using, for example, a version number or a database-level lock. For example, instead of updating line items’ quantities directly, a client must invoke a method on the root of the Order aggregate, which enforces invariants such as the minimum order amount. Note, though, that this approach doesn’t require the entire aggregate to be updated in the database. An application might, for example, only update the rows corresponding to the Order object and the updated OrderLineItem.
In DDD, a key part of designing a domain model is identifying aggregates, their boundaries, and their roots. The details of the aggregates’ internal structure is secondary. The benefit of aggregates, however, goes far beyond modularizing a domain model. That’s because aggregates must obey certain rules.
Aggregate rules DDD requires aggregates to obey a set of rules. These rules ensure that an aggregate is a self-contained unit that can enforce its invariants:
The previous example illustrated the perils of updating OrderLineItems directly. The goal of the first aggregate rule is to eliminate this problem. It requires that the root entity be the only part of an aggregate that can be referenced by classes outside of the aggregate. A client can only update an aggregate by invoking a method on the aggregate root. A service, for example, uses a repository to load an aggregate from the database and obtain a reference to the aggregate root. It updates an aggregate by invoking a method on the aggregate root. This rule ensures that the aggregate can enforce its invariant.
Another rule is that aggregates reference each other by identity (for example, primary key) instead of object references. For example, as figure 5.6 shows, an Order references its Consumer using a consumerId rather than a reference to the Consumer object. Similarly, an Order references a Restaurant using a restaurantId.
The use of identity rather than object references means that the aggregates are loosely coupled. It ensures that the aggregate boundaries between aggregates are well defined and avoids accidentally updating a different aggregate. Also, if an aggregate is part of another service, there isn’t a problem of object references that span services.
Another rule that aggregates must obey is that a transaction can only create or update a single aggregate. Each step of the saga creates or updates exactly one aggregate
An alternative approach to maintaining consistency across multiple aggregates within a single service is to cheat and update multiple aggregates within a transaction. For example, service B could update aggregates Y and Z in a single transaction. This is only possible when using a database, such as an RDBMS, that supports a rich transaction model. If you’re using a NoSQL database that only has simple transactions, there’s no other option except to use sagas.
How to define the Aggregate granularity
When developing a domain model, a key decision you must make is how large to make each aggregate.
On one hand, aggregates should ideally be small. Because updates to each aggregate are serialized, more fine-grained aggregates will increase the number of simultaneous requests that the application can handle, improving scalability. It will also improve the user experience because it reduces the chance of two users attempting conflicting updates of the same aggregate. On the other hand, because an aggregate is the scope of transaction, you may need to define a larger aggregate in order to make a particular update atomic.
1. Transaction script pattern: An important characteristic of this approach is that the classes that implement behavior are separate from those that store state. When using the Transaction script pattern, the scripts are usually located in serviceclasses, which in this example is the OrderService class. A service class has one method for each request/system operation. The method implements the business logic for that request. It accesses the database using data access objects (DAOs), such as the OrderDao. The data objects, which in this example is the Order class, are pure data with little or no behavior.
This style of design is highly procedural and relies on few of the capabilities of objectorientedprogramming (OOP) languages. This what you would create if you were writing the application in C or another non-OOP language. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t b eashamed to use a procedural design when it’s appropriate. This approach works wellfor simple business logic. The drawback is that this tends not to be a good way to implement complex business logic.
2. Domain model pattern
In an object-oriented design, the business logic consists of an object model, a network of relatively small classes. These classes typically correspond directly to concepts from the problem domain. In such a design some classes have only either state or behavior, but many contain both, which is the hallmark of a well-designed class. Figure 5.3 shows an example of the Domain model pattern.
As with the Transaction script pattern, an OrderService class has a method for each request/system operation. But when using the Domain model pattern, the service methods are usually simple. That’s because a service method almost always delegates to persistent domain objects, which contain the bulk of the business logic.
A service method might, for example, load a domain object from the database and invoke one of its methods. In this example, the Order class has both state and behavior. Moreover, its state is private and can only be accessed indirectly via its methods.
The Domain model pattern works well, but there are a number of problems with this approach, especially in a microservice architecture. To address those problems, you need to use a refinement of OOD known as DDD
3. DDD Aggregate Pattern
DDD has some tactical patterns that are building blocks for domain models.Each pattern is a role that a class plays in a domain model and defines the characteristics of the class. The building blocks that have been widely adopted by developers include the following:
Entity—An object that has a persistent identity. Two entities whose attributes have the same values are still different objects. In a Java EE application, classes that are persisted using JPA @Entity are usually DDD entities.
Value object—An object that is a collection of values. Two value objects whose attributes have the same values can be used interchangeably. An example of a value object is a Money class, which consists of a currency and an amount.
Factory—An object or method that implements object creation logic that’s too complex to be done directly by a constructor. It can also hide the concrete Designing business logic in a microservice architecture classes that are instantiated. A factory might be implemented as a static method of a class.
Repository—An object that provides access to persistent entities and encapsulates the mechanism for accessing the database.
Service—An object that implements business logic that doesn’t belong in an entity or a value object.
A service uses a repository to retrieve aggregates from the database or save aggregates to the database.
Designing a domain model using the DDD aggregate pattern:
Next I describe the concept of an aggregate and how it has explicit boundaries.After that, I describe the rules that aggregates must obey and how they make aggregates a good fit for the microservice architecture. I then describe how to carefully choose the boundaries of your aggregates and why it matters. Finally, I discuss how to design business logic using aggregates.
Figure 5.5 shows the Order aggregate and its boundary. An Order aggregate consists of an Order entity, one or more OrderLineItem value objects, and other value objects such as a delivery Address and PaymentInformation
Aggregates decompose a domain model into chunks, which are individually easier to understand. They also clarify the scope of operations such as load, update, and delete. These operations act on the entire aggregate rather than on parts of it. An aggregate is often loaded in its entirety from the database, thereby avoiding any complications of lazy loading. Deleting an aggregate removes all of its objects from a database
Updating an entire aggregate rather than its parts solves the consistency issues, such as the example described earlier. Update operations are invoked on the aggregate root, which enforces invariants. Also, concurrency is handled by locking the aggregate root using, for example, a version number or a database-level lock. For example, instead of updating line items’ quantities directly, a client must invoke a method on the root of the Order aggregate, which enforces invariants such as the minimum order amount. Note, though, that this approach doesn’t require the entire aggregate to be updated in the database. An application might, for example, only update the rows corresponding to the Order object and the updated OrderLineItem.
In DDD, a key part of designing a domain model is identifying aggregates, their boundaries, and their roots. The details of the aggregates’ internal structure is secondary. The benefit of aggregates, however, goes far beyond modularizing a domain model. That’s because aggregates must obey certain rules.
Aggregate rules DDD requires aggregates to obey a set of rules. These rules ensure that an aggregate is a self-contained unit that can enforce its invariants:
The previous example illustrated the perils of updating OrderLineItems directly. The goal of the first aggregate rule is to eliminate this problem. It requires that the root entity be the only part of an aggregate that can be referenced by classes outside of the aggregate. A client can only update an aggregate by invoking a method on the aggregate root. A service, for example, uses a repository to load an aggregate from the database and obtain a reference to the aggregate root. It updates an aggregate by invoking a method on the aggregate root. This rule ensures that the aggregate can enforce its invariant.
Another rule is that aggregates reference each other by identity (for example, primary key) instead of object references. For example, as figure 5.6 shows, an Order references its Consumer using a consumerId rather than a reference to the Consumer object. Similarly, an Order references a Restaurant using a restaurantId.
The use of identity rather than object references means that the aggregates are loosely coupled. It ensures that the aggregate boundaries between aggregates are well defined and avoids accidentally updating a different aggregate. Also, if an aggregate is part of another service, there isn’t a problem of object references that span services.
Another rule that aggregates must obey is that a transaction can only create or update a single aggregate. Each step of the saga creates or updates exactly one aggregate
An alternative approach to maintaining consistency across multiple aggregates within a single service is to cheat and update multiple aggregates within a transaction. For example, service B could update aggregates Y and Z in a single transaction. This is only possible when using a database, such as an RDBMS, that supports a rich transaction model. If you’re using a NoSQL database that only has simple transactions, there’s no other option except to use sagas.
How to define the Aggregate granularity
When developing a domain model, a key decision you must make is how large to make each aggregate.
On one hand, aggregates should ideally be small. Because updates to each aggregate are serialized, more fine-grained aggregates will increase the number of simultaneous requests that the application can handle, improving scalability. It will also improve the user experience because it reduces the chance of two users attempting conflicting updates of the same aggregate. On the other hand, because an aggregate is the scope of transaction, you may need to define a larger aggregate in order to make a particular update atomic.
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